Monday, August 3, 2009

We Got It!!!

Well as you know we found the house we wanted to make an offer on. I talked to the bank and the realtor on Friday and things were looking good. We planned to meet with the realtor on Saturday to finalize the offer and sign it. Well, because nothing can be easy, this didn't happen. We met first thing Sunday morning and he faxed the offer to the guy at 10:00am. We told them the offer would only be good until 6pm. They called the realtor back within and hour saying they accepted the offer!! We are so excited, I can't believe we are going to own our own home and our own land! According to the contract, the closing should be no later than Sept. 30. I just can't wait to start moving! I finally feel like things are falling together!

As for Lillian, she's rolling over (front to back) a lot now. I tried all weekend to get it on video, but she wouldn't have it. If I leave the room she'll be rolled over when I get back, but no way can I catch it on camera!


  1. Congrats!!! It will be awesome to finally make a payment every month to you instead of someone else.


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