August 2007
We got married!
September 2007:
Realized I was going to run out of BCP on the honeymoon.
October 2007:
Is it really possible we conceived only 2 weeks after I ran out of pills? No, Silly, you're just ovulating! But it was so disappointing we should really try!
November 2007:
Ok, I temped and I know when I'm Oing. AF was right on time this month. I'll use OPKs and we'll have sex when I know I'm Oing!
December 2007:
OMG, No Way!! BFP on the second try!!! I'm so lucky! What a great Christmas present for the whole family!
January 2008:
This isn't a good way to start off the new year! Miscarriage at 7w2d.

February 2008:
Yeah we can try again when AF shows up!
March 2008:
OK, it took 2 months the first time, just keep up the temping and OPKs and Mucinex, it worked the first time!
April 2008:
I got lucky the first time, it may just take a few months.
June 2008:
Still working on it and I think we may have done it this month! BD the 3 days before O, we had to have done it! AF showed 3 days early. I'm starting to get worried.
July 2008:
A BFP on B's Birthday would have been nice!
August 2008:
BFP #2, I hope this is sticky!
September 2008:
Saw Peanut for the first time. Heart rate of 177 bpm!
October 2008:
Heard Peanuts Heartbeat on the doppler at 10w6d. Dr said good to go, come back in 4 weeks.
November 2008:
I felt Peanut kick for the first time!!!
December 2008:
We found out that Peanut is a little GIRL!!! Lillian Grace is on her way!
January 2009:
Lillian is doing great. I had another u/s this month because my uterus is measuring 3 weeks ahead of schedule. Every thing looks good though!
February 2009:
Lillian is growing... I can now feel parts of her body and you can see her rolling around in there!
March 2009:
Is it almost over? I can't see my toes!!!
April 2009:
Lillian is here!!! Born April 23rd at 6:56pm after 25 hours of labor, 8lbs 4oz, 20.5 inches long and a 14inch head!
December 2009:
Now that Lillian is 8 months old, we've decided to stop preventing again.
April 2010:
Decided to start really trying. Temping and tracking begins.
May 2010:
Chemical Pregnancy
December 2010:
TTC for 1 year
March 2011:
HCG Diet start
April 2011:
Lost 26 lbs
May 2011:
IF testing: hsg, SA, blood work.
Diagnosed with Hydrosalpinx (fluid in my tubes)
June 2011:
July 2011:
Heart beat of 121 and perfect growth over 1 week!