Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Small Step

in the right direction.

B was fine with not going to help his friend last night and in fact they had plenty of people to help so there was no need for either of us to feel bad about not helping out a friend. I had talked to our friend Heather in the afternoon and she told me she had a softball game at 6:30. She hadn't met Lillian yet so I suggested to B that we go. He agreed and I told him that those are the types of things we can do with friends as a family. Not go some where and he's off with the guys doing something and I'm sitting with the girls. Anyway, he made dinner and showered while I fed Lillian and then he helped me get her ready to go. We got there early so we went to the playground. I swang with her and he took her down the slide (that didn't slide well). And then she enjoyed her first softball game.

When we got home he tried to take care of Lillian. I had to go to the bathroom really bad so I was trying to tell him things through the door like change her diaper and put her pjs on cause she was asleep but woke up when we brought her in. But he didn't hear me and she fell back asleep on his chest. Well I would have just put her in her crib, but she had pooped so there was no way I was letting her sleep in that all night. After I changed her he was going to put her to bed. And did good, he lasted through a good 15 minutes of her crying before he asked me to take her. And I told him I would and we'd work on it more because there WILL come a time when he needs to be able to put her to bed.

Oddly it even took me quite a while to get her calmed down and asleep last night. For some reason every time we sat in her chair she's start screaming, but if I was standing up she was happy. So that's what I did after several attempts as rocking. He also offered (and did) get her bottles around this morning so that I could shower in stead of having to do it last night.

So far no sign of the chicken pox! And the ped. said there is nothing we can do to prevent it so just keep a close watch.

And I got an email from the bank today, the lady that works for the loan company doing approvals was looking at the 2 person household income limits, not 3 and we fall well with the 3 person income limits. And this is why I love my bank, even after he had set up an appointment for me with another bank he worked to get me what I wanted. As nervous as this little mix up was I'm going back to my bank. For one because he did the extra work and for two, I know that even if my loan gets sold to another bank I will always deal with my bank and they will contact the company that "owns" the loan.

I think that's all for now. Except my grandparents are in town and I'm so excited to see them tonight!!!
These are some edits of a favorite picture, but I'm disappointed that you can't see her blue eyes as well in the smaller picture, I'll have to work on that!


  1. I'm glad things went better with B, hopefully it continues in that direction.. Yay for the loan, glad it's all coming together for you!!

  2. So glad that B is getting his ass in gear andhelping you! YAY for the bank pulling through also. May the rest of your week be peaceful!


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