Tuesday, September 23, 2008

1st Ultrasound!

So I left a perfect example of my brain not functioning in my last post titled Bad BlOOger, instead of Bad BloGGer. Just had to point out my idiocy.

Today seemed like the longest day ever. Of course I knew it would being that my appointment was until 3:00 this afternoon. I swear it seemed like the longest time of my life ever. 1st B got stuck in traffic and was late picking me up. I wanted to be mad at him, but I managed to keep my temper and not say anything, he was stressing as it was.

We got there about 10 minutes late for my appointment, this bothered me, but only because I hate it when other people are late and it makes me have to wait longer. So the girl takes me back after only maybe 10 minutes of waiting. She takes me into a room with a few desks and a bed, I think it was an office actually with a portable machine. She does the abdominal and doesn't say much of anything, after a few minutes she looks at me and says "I guess we'll have to do the trans vaginal." So after not saying anything, I'm wondering if this is normal for 8 weeks? Is everything ok? Did she not see anything? So she says I'm going to take you to a different room for that, like I said the room was more like an office so I was happy to wait for another room to open up.

I ask for a bathroom while I was waiting. After I went we waited another 5-10 minutes. We get to the new room and I undress and she sticks in the dildo and says "wow your bladder filled up fast" I thought I was crazy for thinking I had to go again, but my bladder was so full she couldn't see the top of my uterus so I had to go pee again. Once we finally got started it seemed like forever before she said anything, lots of button pushing though. Finally she turned the screen and there was peanut. Bobbing it's little head and wriggling around. I don't think I've ever felt so much relief in my life. Even B could tell exactly what it was. You could see it's little head and when she got it just right you could even see the arm and leg buds. Peanut is measuring 8w3d, right on schedule. And get this a heartbeat of 177bpm! The only thing that sucked was that I didn't get a picture. I was going to ask, but she logged out before I got the words out. I hope I get another u/s at 12 weeks, but I doubt it for some reason. Either way I'm happy now!


  1. I am so glad your peanut is good.

    I love your new blog header.

  2. Congrats. Glad you got to see the peanut and hear a good strong heart beat. Best wishes for your journey ahead.


  3. YAY! So glad you saw a healthy happy peanut!

  4. Congratulations. That's great news. Sucks they didn't give you a photo though.

  5. So glad to see that the U/S went well!

    I'm shocked that they even tried an abdominal at 8 weeks! Yay for seeing the heartbeat!

  6. I like the look of your new blog! Glad to hear bubs was in there with a strong heart beat. Best of Luck for the rest of your journey.

    Here from ICLW.

  7. Congratulations on your sonogram. So glad you got to see the peanut!

  8. HURRAH!

    When I went for my u/s - they tech turned and said, the heartbeat is hard to see - and Aaron and I saw it RIGHT AWAY. Best feeling ever. Congrats, sweetie.

  9. YAY for a strong heartbeat! That's awesome! Enjoy your day!
    -D *ICLW*

  10. So happy that baby is doing well. How is the Zofran working for you...they had me on the dissolvable one and made me gag even worse..hope yours is working. Well, had dr appt and will post info later, but going OK. Take care and talk later.

  11. Isn't that the best and most reassuring sight in the world? Glad you got to see your peanut wiggling all around for you.

  12. Great News, thanks for sharing. Visiting from ILCW. Go Peanut, Grow!

  13. I'm only 4 weeks pregnant and I think I already have pregnancy brain. I keep forgetting stuff and today I even locked my keys in the car! Ack! Congrats on the good ultrasound! I can't wait for mine!



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