Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day

I have been trying to find the right words to say here all day and they just aren't coming to me. I have taken several moments today to remember where I was in January and I have to say, when I let myself think about it, it's still a very open wound. I want to send everyone who has experienced a loss a great big hug.

I've also been having this terrible guilt feeling for continuing to blog about my pregnancy. Especially when it probably seems like I'm complaining all the time. I remember what it was like when people would say things like "Be glad you aren't going through this morning sickness" or "I hope this baby is worth it". I don't want to be that girl. I know this baby is worth it because it's all I ever wanted, and if it takes morning sickness to get that baby then I'll tough it out. But I have to be honest, it doesn't mean I have to like it. I just don't want my wonderful friends who helped me through all the rough times think I'm taking this for granted, I remind myself every day what it took for me to get here and also that it could have been worse for me. I'm wishing everyone the best of luck in their adventures. No matter what it is! I don't know if I could have gotten here without all your love and support!

Much love!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, Brandi, I hope you continue with your blog.

    We know how much you wanted this and how thrilled you are to be pregnant. I'm thrilled for you. M/S and headaches are no fun, period, and I know you'll enjoy your pregnancy more once you start feeling better. :o)

    Hang in there!


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