Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Taking Chances

I'm not a big risk taker, I like having a good idea about how things are going to.  Saturday we have a golf tournament we have signed up and paid for.  We are playing in this with another couple.  When B signed us up he said he would get some one else to golf for me if I didn't think I was going to be able to.  Well apparently he only had 1 person in mind to ask.  During this past week, that friendship has fizzled.  Along with the friendship, so has my stomach.  I was doing great for a few days, but for the last couple I'm feeling sick again.  We both really want me to golf in this tournament, but we also don't want me (or anyone else) to be miserable all day.  B keeps telling me he needs to know, but really, how am I supposed to know how I'm going to be feeling in 3 days?  Do I just take the chance that I will feel ok again, or do I have him find someone else to golf and just give it up?  I'm gonna hate missing out if I feel fine, not to mention feel bad ditching the other wife, but is it worth risking having a horrible time because I feel like crap?

What would you do?

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  1. Just wanted to share my experience of golfing while pregnant. I tried to play a 9 hole par 3 course with Rich when I was about 11 weeks pregnant with Declan. It's a tiny little course, and we usually play twice to play an entire 18 hole round. I wasn't sick at all with him and was feeling pretty good that day. But by the time we got through those first 9 holes, I had to call it quits. I was exhausted! But it was also the last time I have golfed since then and the only time I got to use my new clubs. So, I'm happy I went. I don't know what you should do. Just wanted to share. So happy you are 10 weeks!

  2. Thanks for sharing Mel! This will definitely be 18 holes worth of bouncing up and down in a cart and most likely having to wait for other teams. When drinking this doesn't bother me, but even right now the thought is rather exhausting. And until now, I hadn't even really given that aspect of it a thought.

  3. I wouldn't do it - hopefully if you decide not to he can find another buddy!


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