After a long uncomfortable day at work on Wednesday my feet were extremely swollen. I went home and B was great and got me set up on the couch to relax while he made dinner. When dinner was done I got up to go to the bathroom before eating. When I stood up there was a pop and a gush. I sat back down on the toilet and it felt like I was still going to the bathroom, but I wasn't. I called B in and told him my water broke. The lucky man had already had a few bites of dinner. So we headed to the hospital.
When I got to the hospital they checked to make sure it was my water, which it was and told me I wasn't going home until I had a baby. The Dr came in and checked me and I was 3cm and 50% effaced. The dr said that being that my water was broken I would have to have her within 24 hours, but she was going to let me labor naturally through the night and see where we were in the morning.
Throughout the night I walked the halls and send several hours in the tub with the jets. At some time in the morning my midwife came in and checked me again and I was 4-5 cm and 90% effaced. They decided to let me go a little longer on my own. I continued to walk around, and got in the tub again. Around noon or so things started to progress faster. Some time in the early afternoon they checked me again and I was 7cm. The rest is kind of a blurr. At one point during transition I got a shot to help me rest a little between the high points in the contractions. Once transition was over I started to kind of pass out between contractions until I was ready to push. I did end up asking for the epidural when I was ready to push because they wouldn't let me push until the Dr. got there and it hurt so bad no being able to. My mom asked me if I really wanted it and I said no I just wanted to push already. When the Dr. finally got there they got me ready to push really fast. After an hour an a half of pushing they laid my beautiful baby girl on my chest. With the stats below we were all surprised that I had no ripping or tearing or anything.
The Dr. was amazed that I was able to labor on my own within 25 hours. Lillian was born at 6:56pm on Thursday 4/23. She weighed 8lbs 4oz and was 20.5 inches long. And she had a 14inch head! I have to say I'm very glad she didn't make it to 40 weeks. There's a good chance she would have been near 10lb, but I'm not sure if her head would have gotten bigger or not.
So there's my story. I'm so glad I didn't get the epidural and I don't know if this is a good or bad thing, but I thought transition was way worse then actually pushing her out.