I think overall yes it was a successful weekend. For not having any plans, I got a few things accomplished. I talked to B about getting rid of the Binkie. Lillian is so dependant on it at home, but at the sitter she doesn't even ask for it! So we started "Operation Binkie Bunny". We once again have taken away the binkie at nap time. On Easter, the "Binkie Bunny" will leave her a basket of treats, but for a trade he will be taking her binkies. I really want to get rid of the binkie before we start potty training only because I don't want a regression in the potty training later when we try and take away the binkie. Getting her to nap was difficult this weekend, but when she did fall asleep she slept quite a while. Poor girl woke up with a fever this morning though :( I hope it doesn't last long, she didn't seem to have any other symptoms of anything so I'm not sure what's causing it. As for me, I mad it through the whole weekend without cheating on my food!!! Saturday while at my MIL's I so badly wanted a turkey sandwich, but I resisted. I told myself it wasn't worth it. And it worked, since Friday morning I've lost 3.2lb. My goal, though it may be a little tough, is to be down another 7.6 lbs by next Monday. This will put me at a weight I haven't seen in over a year! This morning's plan to add some yoga into my daily routine didn't pan out the way I wanted. Lillian's fever woke her up at 3:30 am, not know she had a fever, I left her try and sooth herself until 4 when I brought her to bed with me. A half hour later my alarm went off, although I was still awake. And I got up to use my wii fit for the first time in almost a year. Well Lillian wanted to lay on the couch and watch, then the batteries in both the remote and board were dead. Then Lillian wanted to be with me. So needless to say, I didn't get any yoga in. We'll try again tomorrow...
Hanging out with her friend Maggie in Grandma's Chair
YAY for a productive weekend =) When you hit that mark and weigh something you havent in a long time it feels amazing! Yesterday was that day for me ;) My weight hasnt been this low since August of 08 (UGH) Keep up the good work!!! And awesome job on getting Lil off the binkie.