Wow! 29 Weeks I can't believe just after Christmas I'm going to be 30 weeks, which means (fingers crossed) I have less that 10 weeks before baby girl is here! In a strange way, while it is completely real to me that I'm pregnant (really how can it not be with a huge belly, kicks and contractions), it still doesn't seem real to me that I'm going be holding another little baby girl soon.
I also can't believe that I haven't posted in 2 weeks. I've written many posts in my head about so many things that I can't even remember, but when it comes to sitting down and typing them out, I just don't seem to have the energy :(
Last week was nice and exciting. Both Wednesday and Friday I had to leave work early due to contractions. Thankfully both times relaxing and not doing anything helped and the contractions slowed and eventually went away.
Saturday Lillian and I spent the day with Aunt Pocca baking and frosting cookies. I have to say, I was very impressed with how well Lillian did considering a 2 year old's attention span. While I only had a few contractions that day, I did have several sharp pains and the few contractions I had were actually painful. Sunday thankfully was less eventful in my uterus, but the top had a bruised feeling again and her lack of movement had me a little worried.
By Monday afternoon I was feeling better.
So for today, here is my 29 week pic. Maybe for the next day or 2 I'll get some great pictures I've gotten of Lillian lately.

I also can't believe that I haven't posted in 2 weeks. I've written many posts in my head about so many things that I can't even remember, but when it comes to sitting down and typing them out, I just don't seem to have the energy :(
Last week was nice and exciting. Both Wednesday and Friday I had to leave work early due to contractions. Thankfully both times relaxing and not doing anything helped and the contractions slowed and eventually went away.
Saturday Lillian and I spent the day with Aunt Pocca baking and frosting cookies. I have to say, I was very impressed with how well Lillian did considering a 2 year old's attention span. While I only had a few contractions that day, I did have several sharp pains and the few contractions I had were actually painful. Sunday thankfully was less eventful in my uterus, but the top had a bruised feeling again and her lack of movement had me a little worried.
By Monday afternoon I was feeling better.
So for today, here is my 29 week pic. Maybe for the next day or 2 I'll get some great pictures I've gotten of Lillian lately.
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